▶ Payment of Application Fee
  ONLY accepted students need to pay both the 50,000 KRW application fee and tuition fee.
  Please, note that the 50,000 KRW application fee will NOT BE REFUNDED regardless of whether you decline an admission offer or not.
▶ Application Information Fill it out in Korean or English only
* Application Semester * Dormitory Yes     No
▶ Personal Information
* Name on Passport in English
* Date of Birth    * Gender Male    Female
* Nationality
* Passport No. Passport expiration date   
Visa * Contact No.
(ex. 82-63-270-3594)
* E-mail You must fill out the contactable e-mail address on the application form.
If there is any change after submitting the application, you must update us with the new information.
(ex. Facebook, Instagram)
Address in Korea
* Contact Number
in Korea
* Address in
Home Country

The certificate of admission will be sent to this address. You have to write it exactly.
* Family Information
Father Name : Job : Contact No. :
Mother Name : Job : Contact No. :
* Bank Balance(KRW) The amount must be KRW 8,000,000 and above.
▶ Educational Background
* Name of Latest
Education Institution
* Year of
* G.P.A
(ex. Score / Total)
▶ Korean Language Proficiency
Korean Language
Basic Absolute Beginner 1
have studied for about 200 hours 2
Intermediate have studied for about 400 hours 3
have studied for about 600 hours 4
Advanced have studied for about 800 hours 5
have studied for about 1000 hours 6
▶ Other Information
How did you get to know about us?
Recommender Relationship
Contact No.
▶ Self-Introduction (Write it within 700 bytes including blanks)
  1. Educational Background
  2. Why do you want to come to Korea?
  3. Why do you want to learn Korean?
  4. Why do you choose Jeonbuk Natioal Univeristy in Jeonju?
  5. What did you do after completing with most recent academy?
  6. Have you ever learned Korean Language? (if you have experience, attach supporting documents)
  7. Is there anyone in Korea (Jeonju) who can help you when you study in Korea? If yes, please email that person's identification documents such as certificate of enrollment, certificate of employment to jbnuklec@jbnu.ac.kr.
▶ Study Plan (Write it within 700 bytes including blanks)
  1. Korean language study plan during the registration period
  2. Do you have any special plan after Korean language course?
  3. If you want to attend the degree program in Jeonbuk National University, which department do you want to apply and why?
▶ Attachment (Can not upload files bigger than 20MB in total)
* Photo
* A copy of passport
* Graduation certificate
* Transcript Certificate
Certificate of Diploma Verification
* Certificate of Balance (showing more than KRW 8,000,000)
* Certificate of Family Relationship
▶ Cancellation and Refund Policy
1. Cancelling before first day of class : Full refund excepting application fee will be granted.(The visa will be cancelled right after the cancellation)
2. Cancelling between first day of class ~ Fifth day of class : 50% of tuition fee will be refunded.
3. After sixth day of class : No refund.
4. Students who got issued D-4 visa by the admission certificate of JBNU are not able to get refund after entering Korea.
5. The student only can get refund the payment through their own bank account or the same account used when you pay the application fee at first. Transaction fee would be occurred in the case of foreign bank account. (Estimated time for the refund : About 2 weeks)
▶ Consent of Collecting and Utilizing Personal Information
If the Korean Language Education Center(KLEC) intends to collect, use and disclose to a third party your personal information in connection with admission procedures and management international student’s stay, it shall obtain consent from student in accordance with According to 「Personal Information Protection Act」. Please read carefully the information below and check whether you agree with the personal information collection and usage or not.
1. Collection Items
  1) Number of identification : Passport Number, Alien Registration Number
  2) Other personal information : Name, Date of Birth, Nationality, Address, Contact Number, Email Address and academic background
  3) Automation acquisition: IP information.
  4) Created items : Information of sojourn and education(Class, Attendance, test results, school register change, etc.)
2. Period of personal information keeping and utilizing : Semi-permanent
3. You have the right to refuse the collection and use of personal information. In this case, however, you may face disadvantage in the admission process.
I agree.    I disagree.